
「《時代革命》放映暨座談」是由「倫敦講臺」主辦的免費活動。電影放映時間為 152 分鐘,電影放映完後將會安排簡短的座談。雖然是免費活動,但我們還是鼓勵大家共同捐款分攤放映費用,建議的捐款金額為£5,如果您願意的話請自備紙鈔或零錢,於活動當日投入捐款箱即可。如果最後捐款金額超過放映成本,多餘的部分將全數捐給電影製作團隊。謝謝!
“Revolution of Our Times” Screening and Discussion is a free event organised by Formosa Salon. The film’s screening time is 152 minutes, and a short panel discussion will be arranged after the screening. Although it is a free event, we still encourage everyone to share the screening cost by making donations. The suggested donation amount is £5. If you are willing, please bring cash and put it into the donation box on the event day. If the final donation exceeds the cost of the screening, the excess will be donated to the film production team. Thank you.