「愛的牽絆 Love Bound」紀錄片放映與座談

- 時間:9th June, Sunday 14:30-17:00
- 地點:Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre (BGLT), SOAS, London WC1B 5DQ
- 報名連結:https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/love-bound/
六月驕傲月!倫敦講臺邀請大家來一起欣賞今年剛在倫敦東亞酷兒影展(Queer East Film Festival)舉行世界首映的紀錄片「愛的牽絆(Love Bound)」,一起來理解 LGBTQ+ 運動者秋白從中國對抗同性戀恐懼症,到在英國面臨社會挑戰尋找真愛的歷程。導演陳姍姍與主角秋白將參與映後座談。
活動流程/ Schedule
- 14:15-14:30 觀眾進場 Open Entry
- 14:30-16:00 紀錄片播映 Screening
- 16:10-16:40 映後座談 Q&A
中國性別平權運動者秋白在20多歲的時候因披露恐同的大學教科書而意外成名。然而,她也為「名聲」付出了代價:被出櫃、被父母帶去醫院接受治療,並受到了來自官方的壓力。為了逃避這些壓力,秋白前往英國,並在這裡邂逅了她的伴侶 Bling。然而,她的抗爭並未就此結束。陳姍姍的紀錄片「愛的牽絆(Love Bound)」講述了秋白對自身性取向和親密關係的反思,並記錄她在英國建立起支持東亞酷兒的社群所做的努力:從一人獨自,到逐漸發展為有越來越多支持者的社會運動。
- Instagram: @LoveBoundFilm (歡迎tag)
- 此次活動包括80分鐘的紀錄片播映和30分鐘的映後座談,講者將以中文進行分享,但在討論和QA時歡迎使用中/英文提問。
- 此次活動免費入場,但歡迎大家多多支持自籌拍片的紀錄片工作者。活動現場接受現金與轉帳捐款,建議金額為 £5,所得將全數捐給Love Bound紀錄片製作團隊。謝謝大家!
Film synopsis:
LGBTQ+ activist Qiuyan Chen became an unexpected celebrity due to her courageous legal battle against homophobic university textbooks in the 2010s. However, this newfound fame came at a price: she was outed by her tutor, subjected to conversion therapy by her parents, and monitored by the Chinese government. To escape these pressures, Qiuyan left for the UK, where she met her partner Bling – but her struggles were far from over.
Interweaving reflections on Qiuyan’s sexuality and relationships, Shanshan Chen’s documentary Love Bound examines this inspiring activist’s commitment to building a close-knit community designed to support queer East Asian people in the UK – a solo endeavour that evolves into a movement with a growing support base.
Director bio:
Shanshan Chen is a London-based documentary filmmaker originally from China. With over a decade of experience covering under-reported global stories, she explores diverse narratives with a keen focus on social issues, dedicating herself to in-depth storytelling that sparks conversations and drives change.
- Instagram: @LoveBoundFilm (feel free to tag it)
- The screening time is 80 mins, followed by a QA session with the director Shanshan and the protagonist for 30 mins. The QA session will be conducted in Chinese, but we welcome questions and feedback in both English and Chinese.
- This is a free event organised by Formosa Salon, but we encourage everyone to support self-funded documentary filmmakers by making donations. The suggested donation amount is £5. If you’re willing, you can bring cash or do it via bank transfer at the event. All the donations will be contributed to support the “Love Bound” documentary team.
封面照片提供/ Love Bound Film
海報編輯/ Vic