倫敦講臺 Formosa Salon
A London-based Taiwanese community group believes that exchanging ideas and debating current affairs can lead to a better society in Taiwan and globally
Recent Events
- 時間:1:00-4:30 pm Saturday, 18 Jan 2025 (為配合連線座談時間,這場放映比平常活動稍早開始,提醒大家提早規劃交通到場喔!)
- 地點:K0.20, King’s Building, London WC2R 2LS (入口位於Strand Building)
- 活動場地有門禁,請準時抵達並透過以下連結報名(活動當天上午九點截止):https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/and-miles-before-I-sleep/
- 提醒:本片包含槍擊畫面與暴力內容,可能引起不適。
在異國工作充滿機遇,也充滿各式各樣的艱辛。倫敦講臺邀請在異國生活的大家,從金馬紀錄片《九槍》關心臺灣移工人權議題。電影放映時間為 90 分鐘,放映完後將會安排跨海連線的導演座談。本次放映為免費活動,但我們還是鼓勵大家共同捐款回饋電影製作團隊,建議的捐款金額為£5,如果您願意的話請自備紙鈔或零錢,於活動當日投入捐款箱即可。謝謝!
A Letter to A’ma: Documentary Screening and Director's Talk
A family letter carries memories, longing, and unspoken emotions, creating a dialogue on a deeper emotional level. A Letter to A’ma is a documentary spanning over a decade. Using director Hui-ling Chen’s letters to her grandmother as a starting point, it traces the trajectory of family life and the ruptures in Taiwan’s national history, interweaving personal memories with collective identity. The film captures the director and the younger generation assembling a “collective portrait,” connecting migration stories of diverse communities to construct a mosaic of the island’s collective imagery and memories.
This screening event will feature an online discussion with the director, who will share the stories behind the creation of the film and explore how art can serve as a bridge for memory and identity, fostering shared experiences of the era. Regardless of one’s location or connection to Formosa, this documentary invites us to reconsider the links between family and history, evoking profound reflections on kinship, identity, and familial memories.
- Date & Time: Saturday, 11 January 2025, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
- Venue: K2.31 (Nash Lecture Theatre), King’s Building, London WC2R 2LS
- Registration Fee: £7 per person (to cover film licensing costs)
- The venue is access-controlled, so please arrive on time and register via the link below (registration closes at 9 PM the night before the event): https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/2024-gma/
除了實際桌遊體驗,也邀請到桌遊創作者 Vic 分享設計的初衷和過程,並討論如何透過不同媒介,讓白色恐怖這段歷史更「有感」。
- 時間:1:30-4:30 pm Saturday, 7 Dec 2024
- 地點:MB2.1 (entrance at Strand Building ), London WC2R 2LS
- 活動場地有門禁,請透過以下連結報名(活動當天早上九點截止):https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/white-terror-boardgame-design/
- 活動日期:11/30(六)
- 活動時間:14:00 - 17:00
- 活動地點:SE 1.02, Bush House South East Wing, London WC2R 1ES
- 活動場地有門禁,請透過以下連結報名(活動當天早上九點截止):https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/identity-boundaries-film-workshop/
- 活動日期:2024/11/23(六)
- 活動時間:下午13:30 - 16:30
- 活動地點:SE 2.12, Bush House South East Wing, London WC2R 1ES
- 活動場地有門禁,請透過以下連結報名:https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/why-the-west-stands-with-israel/
- 時間:1:00-4:00 pm Saturday, 16 Nov 2024,為配合導演連線的台灣時間,這場放映需要比平常活動稍早開始,提醒大家提早規劃交通到場喔!
- 地點:K2.31 (Nash Lecture Theatre), King’s Building, London WC2R 2LS , 請從KCL Strand Building 入口進去後第二個左側「向上」的樓梯上樓
- Admission fee: £5 per person (+donation)(售票收入全數回饋給影片製作方)
- 報名連結:https://tickets.formosasalon.org.uk/2024-train/